De Kraai

The crow

The crow

Crows are known for their ability to adapt and survive in challenging environments, making them a symbol of resilience and strength, intelligence and transformation. In some cultures, they can be regarded as messengers of bad news or danger on the horizon.

The crow is connected to the spiritual world and acts as a messenger between the physical and spiritual worlds. This connection allows them to convey messages from ancestors, teach us lessons, or warn us of potential danger.

This sculpture is about man's tendency to look for a new technical solution for every problem. Man thinks she knows better than all other life on earth. In my work I use an oak leaf whose grain has been replaced by a digital pattern. With this I want to show that a magazine is already a technique in itself. Nature has already invented the process of converting CO2 into oxygen. It is not necessary for us humans to do better. We just need to leave nature alone. Then the equilibrium returns.

When a crow appears in your life, it could be a sign that big changes are coming or that you need to pay attention to what is going on around you. Crows remind us to open our eyes and minds and take advantage of the opportunities ahead.

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